I gotta tell ya, this whole "Global Warming" BS certainly has me up in arms. The latest commercials do nothing to assuage the anger that I feel for the people in this world getting ripped off over the guise of "Global Warming". Why do politicians feel that we as a species are so powerful, that we can change the ebb and flow of the world, when we can't even come to terms with pettiness, strife, greed, etc. The scientific community is not in agreement that we're the cause of "Global Warming", but they do agree that the world...all on it's own...went thru various stages of cooling and warming. This is, of course, the same community that said we were "entering the next Ice Age" in the 70's.
Damn...in 30 short years, we've managed to Kick God's Ass to the curb, and take over the temperature of the planet.
Now, we're fed the pap of crap that if we "Don't go green, we're choosing Global Warming". Global Warming will happen with or without us, it is NOT a choice. However, if you choose to go green, that just means you're being more conscientious about the choices you make for our landfills, energy consumption, fossil fuel consumption, etc. It is not proven that one affects the other. We've got Al Gore (married to the infamous Tipper of PMRC fame, who was the pusher of music censorship) with more than 10 inconsistencies in his little "An Inconvenient Truth" movie, who is a huge fossil fuel consumer, trying to push effing Carbon Credits...like Carbon Credits will save the universe! These are two people who certainly belong together....A pusher of crap and a squasher of freedom!
Don't get me wrong people...I'm not saying that we shouldn't be greener about our choices. I think it's only wise that we look at our own consumption and be responsible about the choices we make. I am saying that I don't want to hear another effing thing about Going Green and Global Warming in the same sentence. I don't want to be treated like some stupid effing pod-person that needs the Government to tell me how to live, or fine me for using plastic. I am not giving up my airplane ride to Mexico for vacation because of the fuel it will use. However, I will pledge not to use my private airliner to deliver me to work everyday.
A little common sense is all I'm asking for here..... And that concludes my rant for the day!
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