Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Award Show Rant

What's with the Award Shows?  I'm getting extremely tired of them.  I actually don't prefer to watch them…the Man is a reality TV whore.  I think this fits in the same category. You could exchange one celebrity for another and not have any difference (with the exception of Robert Downey Jr….You never know what he's gonna say or do, and I like it that way).  They all stand up and thank God, their parents, the cast and beg you to donate money to Haiti.  Or they push their political agenda on you because they're hoping their seeds will germinate in the minds of mushy, insipid lemmings and, being the fanatics that they hope you are, will vote their bidding. YAWN!!!


Wouldn't it be a freaking hoot if just one of them went off the deep end and started spouting crap about world domination?  Or thanking their partner for being so supportive of their sex change operation?  Or even while others are pleading with you to donate to Haiti, have the guts to say something like "while it's important to remember those in need in Haiti, please remember all the starving American children that we can also help to feed and donate to your local food kitchens".  Oh, but hey…you can't be different in celebrity land, can you? BITE ME!


 I'm to the point that I only watch to see what people are wearing (when the Man aka Husband forces me to watch with him)…and even then, I'm disappointed.  The only shining moment for me was the Grammy's and Pink's performance.  Totally Hot, and totally different!


Why is our society so totally celebrity driven?  Why must we always know the latest, i.e. Spears goes off the deep end and beats Lohan to a bloody pulp? Ok, that I might have to read about, but you get what I'm saying.  Even our President is vying for top celebrity honors with no concern about what it will do to his credibility.  Next thing we know, to push up his numbers, he'll be judging the Miss America Pageant, and Americans will eat it up!  When did High School mentality take over?  I, for one, was totally happy to graduate high school and get away from the cliques, the gossip, the crap that we all put up with and contributed our share to.


I was happy to go out into the world and discover myself, find my power and use it. Only to have the whole popularity contest come back with a vengeance and smack me upside the head. I'm looking for the answers, but I just don't seem to have them, except to recognize the death of common sense in America.  Despite my rant, consider me bitch-slapped by Hollywood and the Media.  They're the ones that seem to be driving this boat after all.

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Hiya, love your blog. I just nominated it for a Best Blogger Award over at my blog
Keep up the good work!
