Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wag the Dog..

Old news, but still interesting….

How does the President lose a plane? It seems the only answer we’re going to get is “It was a mistake. It won’t happen again.” The question is…why did it happen in the first place? I don’t recall any other President misplacing his plane. I recall a few Presidents misplacing their morals, and one misplacing a cigar…but a plane that is owned by the taxpayers of this Nation? Why isn’t there any honesty about the whole situation?

To make it seem like our President was unaware that his plane was flying low around Ground Zero is pathetic. If our President doesn’t know this…what else doesn’t he know? If he did know, how could he sanction the flight at the expense of taxpayer funds for a media blitz? Either way, doesn’t this kind of make our President look like a dumbass? He’s damned if he does or doesn’t know, therefore a smart advisor would tell him not to put himself in this situation. Even making some lackey your fall guy doesn’t do you any favors Mr. President. To say you didn’t know about it, is like saying you didn’t know Reverend Joseph Lowery was going to use a racist prayer in your inauguration program.

The sad thing is, you are counting on the American people being nose-led by the media, and so far it’s working. Far better to capitalize on a fictitious wannabe pandemic like Swine flu to get the attention off your plane mishaps and on to other things. Your sycophantic media is wagging the dog, and has been for some time. Couple that with the death of common sense in America and you have a fertile ground to plant whatever seeds of destruction you so choose, with no one to blame but the American people themselves.

Now we have the President joking at the Washington DC's Correspondents Dinner about "Sasha and Melia being grounded for taking Air Force One on a joyride to New York City". Why is this funny? I don't think it is.

This American isn’t being wagged. This American would like an explanation please.

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