Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I got the Beanster for the weekend. What a blast she is. We always have fun when we're together. Although she did put me on the spot with a question. We came in from the garage, and she said "Damian is your Nephew and your son...and I'm your Niece and your daughter". I replied "not exactly, Damian is my nephew and son, but you're my Niece". She replied "What I can't be your Niece and Daughter? Why does Damian get to be both and not me?" I lifted her up in my arms and smooched her and told her that I couldn't love her anymore if she was my daughter and she had nothing to worry about. I think Lucy will have some "splaining" to do in the future.

On Saturday, the man came to the house and helped out, ran stuff to the dump, etc. Beanie asked if he could go to the park with us, so we did, and had fun. On the way home, she asked if we could go to the Ore Cart Saloon for dinner instead of cooking the ribs and if Uncle could go. We ended up taking her...it's hard to resist her and those beautiful blue eyes. Afterward, she asked if Uncle was going to stay the night, and Uncle told her that he needed to head down and stay with his Dad. He was totally cool about the whole thing. I'm not telling Beanster about the Divorce for now, possibly next spring. She has enough to deal with since her mom and boyfriend split. I so appreciated the Man being cool, nice and accepting of the situation.

It seems my first bill to the CH house came in the mail...house insurance. This means that I won't be able to go to Omaha to see my brother for Christmas...(wasn't expecting this bill), but that's ok. I'll go in the spring. Not sure how to go about the whole thing...can we just to to the County Recorder's office and have my name taken off the title of the FH house and His taken off the CH house so that after the divorce is final I don't have to worry about titles? This whole thing is so confusing. I like that the Man just told me about the bill and is accepting our decisions. It just reminds me that although his actions while he's drinking sucks, he's an honorable, good man and I need to respect that.

See??? Even a stubborn bitch like me can learn something.

Tomorrow, I'm having tea in Auburn with some cool ladies. It's been awhile since we've been able to get together. One of our group will be missing (missing man formation needed here) and it won't be the same without her.

Hope this blog finds you all well and satisfied.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You can spend Christmas with us!!!