Friday, March 27, 2009

Will You Dance with Me?

A friend sent me one of those poem/friendship chain letters called "Will you dance with me" and it talks about doing what you should do vs. what you want to do, and how short life is and not to wait till tomorrow to see friends, have fun, eat ice cream, etc. Otherwise something could happen and you might not have the chance again.

I actually learned this lesson the hard way......

On a weekend, almost a year ago, my beautiful Niece Serene was visiting and it was raining. She said "let's go walk in the rain Auntie, and I, being the responsible Auntie said that it wasn't a good time and that I didn't want her to get sick being out in the cold. After I took her home from our weekend visit, I thought a lot about her request. I love to walk in the rain...why didn't I take her? I passed up the most incredible moment I could've shared with her and I was kicking myself.

Now, I don't get to see her much anymore because her mother uses her like a weapon. I always think back on that moment when I let something precious slip through my fingers and I get a huge pang of regret and I feel physically sick and I cry...just like I'm doing now, while writing this. I desperately want to turn the clock back to get that moment and instead I have this lesson that hurts. I don't have a lot of regrets when it comes to my life, but for some reason, that moment will be with me until the day I die.

"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance" Lee Ann Womack - I Hope You Dance

Because I will be.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Food for Thought....

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the END of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trying to get it together...,.

Ok, so I've been quite irregular about posting to the Diz Rant blog. It's been hard for me to juggle my time and blogs. When you have more than one, it's quite a pain. Thanks to some people out in Google world, I've been able to link the Blogspot blog to my website, is a good thing. It means that I only have to update one for both sites to be covered. Ahhh...sweet relief. This solves some logistical issues for me, so Diz is a happy camper.

It's also been a nice weekend. Rog and Kel had us over for Taco's last night. Although I had a shot of tequila too many, it was a usual. They are total family, which is why I didn't have a problem exposing my brassiere in front of their son. He's like my kid, so it wasn't a sexual thang. It was more of an "In your face" kind of thing... Probably shouldn't have done it, Poor guy...scarred for life...seeing Aunt Diz's saggy boobs, although my bra provides total coverage. Ok Kel...if he needs Psych help, I'll pay for it. He's a great kid though. Rog and Kel are great parents.

He made a comment about me being the coolest person he knows. It's so funny because I only hang with awesome people. His parents are the greatest. I know that he knows that, deep down. But I'm only cool because the coolness of his parents rub off on me...know what I mean? I can be who I want to be when I'm around them. It's so nice to have family like that. I know that if my son ever needs them that they'll be there for him and vice versa.

Here's a couple of pics....

Kel showing she can "Kick em back" like a pro!

Having fun around the computer...what naughty pictures are they looking at???

Friday, March 20, 2009

Of all the Frakkin......

I know we’ve all been there..right? You get ready to work out….you put on the right clothes, socks, shoes, etc. You muster up the gumption of getting your butt into gear because you really don’t like to exercise (you do after you get into it, but we all know the first 5 minutes are hell) and there are a million other things you could do instead (check email, Facebook, update blog, eat…eat…eat) but you’re on a mission. You know summer is coming and you want to get into those original Board Skirts (made in California) that you purchased in a size ? for incentive….

Ah, there I am…looking HOT, wearing my board skirt…all the guys are looking my way, got my Vans and Wayfarers on…Hellooooo Diz. OMG, it’s Dwayne “ The Rock” Johnson, looking like the ultimate meat popsicle eye candy that he is…and he wants ME!!! Can this dream get any better??? Late night dinner, licking desert off his rock hard chiseled body, mind-blowing sex for the next 48 hours…oh wait…I am dreaming and I digress…

Ok, where was I??? Oh yea, working out. So you finally get your sorry butt out on your StairMaster, crank up the tunes and yea…YOU ARE IN THE ZONE! Muscles are flowing, legs are pumping, heart rate is good, the tunes are rockin’ and helping you keep your steps rhythmic. And then….your iPod craps out and you’re only 6 minutes into the routine. You still have another 34 minutes to go with NO MUSIC!!! Can there be a greater hell? My eyes glance to my board skirts, hanging where they’ll provide the most inspiration. Alright, you frakking MFers, INSPIRE ME, my mind screams. And, like manna from heaven, they do! They transport me to the Dean Roland dream (Dean Roland of Collective Soul???..Picture below…) where he’s licking desert off of my body, etc., but first he has to strip off the awesome board skirts that I can fit into…wait, it’s easy for him because THEY’RE TOO BIG! And before you know it…the exercise is over, and I can go back to cursing my iPod for crapping out on me.

To give my iPod it’s due…I’ve had it since 03, and it was a matter of time before the battery finally crapped out on me. It doesn’t hold a charge anymore. So I have to figure out how to replace the battery, or…get a new iPod. My dilemma?? I’ve been waiting 2 years for an iPhone with at least 32 gigs, and with Apple’s announcement yesterday of the new OS3 for iPhone/iTouch and the new options and apps, I know it’s coming…and gonna cost me a pretty penny. With the economy being the way it is, I can’t afford to do both. Shhhhhhh..don’t tell the man, but I’ve snagged his for now and as long as he doesn’t figure it out…I’ll use that one. Teehee.