Saturday, June 28, 2008

Foolish Decisions

So I have a very naive friend who married someone she shouldn't have. She basically "settled" because (I believe) she was lonely. Before married this guy, I asked her to get a pre-nup because she was a single parent homeowner and I said that the home was her daughter's inheritance or security. She said that because of her religion, she didn't believe in that. Me and my other friend begged her to reconsider marrying this guy because he didn't have a steady job, was boarding with friends (no appt of his own), and seemed to have issues. She did it anyway.

Today, I found out that she's selling her home on a short-sale due to her debts and borrowing against the equity of the house. She was financially fine before she married this idiot. He suffers from depression and health issues and can't always work, but it seems he can spend her money. I almost puked when I heard the news. She had to start all over after her divorce, now she has to start all over again.

Ladies, I wouldn't call myself a "Women's Libber", but for God's sake, a woman should be smart enough to cover her back...just in case. This is not an age when you can depend on the man! If you can, and have a husband/significant other that shares equally in the relationship, great! But always have a back up plan! What if your partner dies? What if your partner blindsides you with "I've found someone else", what if your partner makes unwise financial decisions without you? What are you going to do? PLEASE, please think about your future and prepare yourself, prepare your finances, make sure you are pro-active about your retirement planning and funds. That way, if some unforeseen thing happens to your loved one, you can pick up the slack and survive. This is so important if you have children. No one else is going to take care of them for you. You have to make sure your babies are safe, fed, clothed, etc. Have your own account and save some money for a rainy day, because.....

THE RAIN WILL COME! Don't kid yourself that it won't. Life is life. Be prepared.

Ok...sorry I sound so preachy. I'm just sick over my friend's dilemma. There's nothing I can do or say but be a supportive friend, but this is going to be keeping me up at night.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Insidious Comments

So I'm pissed because the husband threw out one of his "insidious" comments yesterday. I hate it when he does that. It bothers me because it's the second one in a week.

Last week, as I'm going off to bed he throws out "I guess you're not going to lock up, so I'll have to do it". I was pissed! I spun around and said, "if you're asking me to lock up the house then come out and ask me! The reason I don't lock up the house when I go to bed is because I go to bed earlier than you do (sometime between 8 and 9 pm) and sometimes you don't bring your sorry ass to bed until around 11. If you want me to lock up early, then just say so, otherwise, it's the responsibility of the last one in bed!" and stomped off to bed.

Last night he threw something out about watering the plants...he can never come out and just ask, he makes it sound like I'm such a fucking loser that I never do anything around the house and it's such a burden for me. So at the moment, we're not speaking much. I'm still heated about it and I'm not going to stand for these kinds of comments much more. It's like a knife in the back thing. I like to fight fair and head on. If I have a problem with you, I'm gonna come out and say it...not pussyfoot around. Ah well....and this too shall pass.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Troubled Times

I read the news today, oh boy…..

These are sad times. I read 4 different articles on abused, tortured and killed children. A man kicked and stomped his 2 year old to death…a woman and her friend repeatedly abused her 5 year old son, including forcing him to put his open hands on a stove burner. His hands were so scarred that he couldn’t open them fully….A Aunt/foster mother was arrested for killing her 4 year old niece…I just cried, literally had tears rolling down my cheeks.

When I found out that we could not have children of our own, I was devastated. However, I got another chance due to circumstances to be a Mom to my Nephew, now my son. I cannot fathom how effing animals can do these unspeakable things to children. I gaze in my Nieces eyes and see the innocence and love there and the thought of betraying that love sickens me. My Nephew came with a lot of baggage from being abused by his Dad. It takes everything in my power to stay on an even keel and not do something that I’ll pay for the rest of my life.

How do we, as a society, tolerate this animalistic behavior? How do we keep our babies safe? There are predators everywhere..some we’re related to, that want to harm our children. It scares me that I won’t be able to protect my own, let alone all of the defenseless babies out there. My heart bleeds to think that while I’m writing this another child is suffering. I can’t see my screen now. I have to stop.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Doing a little slacking on the blogging. Bad Diz! Yesterday my Cousin and I did some celebrating of her birthday. Too fun. We shopped, had lunch, shopped some more and I got to meet her new family. It was cool! The older we get, the more I come to appreciate her.

It's Father's Day, and although I don't have a dad of my own, my Father-in-law "Dad" is a good man. He has his faults, like all of us do, but he has a heart of gold. He doesn't always say things in the accepted way, but he's real. He's a self-made man, a military man, had his own business and recently retired. He's self educated and when there's something he doesn't know, he makes sure to find out. He slaughters my name, but that's his term of endearment. It used to bug me, but now I like it, and would miss it if I didn't hear it from him. He likes the same kind of movies I do, and we share a love of one particular one called "Return to Me" starring Minnie Driver and David Duchovny. If you haven't seen it and love romantic movies...this is a keeper.

He's as hard-headed as I am, and sometimes we go toe-to-toe. That's ok though. It makes the relationship stronger. Happy Father's Day Dad!

I got a little something for the husband too. He says "I'm not your Dad". I said "You're Dad to our kid, so I'm thanking you for being a good Dad to him". This logic of my husband's is the reason I did not get a Mother's day card or gift from him. Though it does sting momentarily, I don't let it get to me, cuz that's how he is, and I recognize that. Sometimes, he's too damned logical.

My husband is a rare breed of guy. If you know the circumstances of how our son came to be in our lives, you know that this is a job that he volunteered for because he loves me and adores Damian. He always has. He embraced fatherhood and enjoys every moment. He's been challenged, as all parents have, but he comes thru. Thanks for being a great Dad Muffin. I sure appreciate it and you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oh Happy Day....

Well, looks like I've sold the trailer in Clear Lake...THANK YOU JESUS!!! What a drain on my finances and it chaps my butt. My Mom's friend is going to buy it off of me, and I'm giving her a deal. I just don't want the hassle anymore. She's a standup lady and I did promise her first crack at it.

Besides, I'd rather torch the place then let the owners of the trailer park have it. That BEOCH can kiss my @#$%*(^$!@@%@^%&& ASS!

Ok..I go nighty night now. Dizzy is tired, cranky but happy too. Dizzy talk tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So something is on my mind that's been bothering me. I learned a hard lesson. When Serenie Beanie came to visit a couple of weekends ago, we had rainy weather. She wanted to go for a walk in the rain and when I couldn't find an umbrella, I nixed the idea...thinking that it would be best if she didn't get wet.

What the eff was I thinking??? I keep replaying that in my mind, and I should've taken her walking in the rain. I love to walk in the rain, and get wet...stick my tongue out for the raindrops to fall on. I missed a moment that we could've shared forever and it's gone. The ache in my heart over missing this moment is huge. I keep thinking about it and wishing over and over that I could go back in time and change it. She probably won't remember, and when the opportunity comes again, I won't miss it, but...

Something in my heart hurts.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Spoke Too Soon...Kinda

Ok, I watched Steve Jobs address to the developer industry last night...after my blog, and maybe I reacted a little unfairly. There are some really kewl new things about the latest rendition of the iPhone. However, I still believe that they could've given more capacity to the phone...especially since the iPod Touch goes to 32 gigs. It's only a matter of time (Christmas) that the iPhone will too.

However, the Man says that he wants to upgrade his phone and is interested in my Treo 750. I'm pretty sure I can transfer my options to his phone number...along with the phone. So I may end up getting the new iPhone in July. He wants something to text easily on, and this may be the way to get him into the technology age. God knows, his mom got him a cool P.C. laptop as a gift about 3 years back and I can count on one hand how many times he's used it.

If this is the way to get him more teckkie, then I'm all for spending $300 for the new phone.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Apple came out with their phone, but it only goes to 16 gigs. What up with that? I know technology is capable of more. I've waited a year for more capacity...and this is what I get? Diz is not happy. Diz believes her beloved company has let her down. Diz is disappointed.

It does have some nice bells and whistles, but not what I was expecting. Am I expecting too much from Apple? I don't know. You go check it out and tell

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Jawbone - By Aliph

So the new "Hands Free" cell phone law goes into effect in California in a couple of weeks. I've always been a earpiece user, and the last one I had was a "Jawbone". Loved it, but the ear loop was a little flaky and it didn't want to stay securely in my ear. However, this is the first earpiece I've used that everyone could hear me clearly on. It has military technology and you can be in a stiff wind and the person on the other end won't hear it...LOVED IT. However, I lost it (I never lose my techie gadget stuff) when I was assisting my husband out of the hospital from is Knee surgery. Very Upset.

So I didn't replace it right away, although I missed it sorely. In March, I wrote an email to Aliph, who makes Jawbone, and asked if they're coming out with another version due to the issues I had with the old one. I got an email back saying "No, there are no plans to update the Jawbone". Still, I held off, for some reason. Well, everytime I've updated my Mac from Apple, a new one comes out the next month...pisses me off. Why can't they just tell me to wait till next month? Same with effing software, I upgrade, and here comes the new version. So I waited...

Thank God I did. They just came out with Jawbone II which is 50 percent smaller and fits like a glove. Bought it yesterday...WooHoo. Although I'm still pissed off about the damned denial! Something tells me I'll love this one...and hang on to it! Now for the new iPhone release! Rumor is tomorrow, but we'll see....