Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So something is on my mind that's been bothering me. I learned a hard lesson. When Serenie Beanie came to visit a couple of weekends ago, we had rainy weather. She wanted to go for a walk in the rain and when I couldn't find an umbrella, I nixed the idea...thinking that it would be best if she didn't get wet.

What the eff was I thinking??? I keep replaying that in my mind, and I should've taken her walking in the rain. I love to walk in the rain, and get wet...stick my tongue out for the raindrops to fall on. I missed a moment that we could've shared forever and it's gone. The ache in my heart over missing this moment is huge. I keep thinking about it and wishing over and over that I could go back in time and change it. She probably won't remember, and when the opportunity comes again, I won't miss it, but...

Something in my heart hurts.

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