Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering September 11, 2001

I wore all my pins today…My Army Yellow Ribbon Pin, my Flag Pin and my Service Blue Star Pin (worn by member of the immediate family of an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during any period of war in which the US is engaged) in honor of all of our heroes of September 11th, 2001, past and current. I remember how horrified I felt watching people jump 70+ stories from the World Trade Center to avoid being burned to death. How my heart swelled with pride as I watched ordinary people do extraordinary things to help fellow Americans in distress. The vulnerability I felt and still feel, knowing that terrorists can inflict such wounds on American soil.

Do not mistake vulnerability for fear. I am not afraid to die at the hands of some ignorant terrorist(s) who think they can take away my freedom. I can live free, or die free…as long as I am free. I’m afraid for my Niece and my boy, but not for me. I am an American, a citizen of the United States of America. I’ve pledged my allegiance to the finest Country on the face of the earth. I am not naïve to the shortcomings of my Country, but I’m proud to be an American. I will never bad-mouth my Country on foreign soil, but instead be a shining example of what an American is when representing my Country abroad.

Whatever the future brings, I will never forget the events of 9/11…where I was, the impact I felt, the impact on my family, the sacrifice of many, and perhaps, most of all, the failure of Osama Bin Laden. He sought to bring discord but instead, united a Nation. As the days unfolded, we were one…we were united. We were strong, vocal, and if one of us wavered, all were there to reinforce. I pray that we will always be one…one Nation, indivisible. Let nothing come between us, not injustice, not religion, not race, not opinion. May we always be strong against those who would tear us down, weaken us, hurt us, kill our loved ones and try to steal our freedom. When one of us falls, there will always be another to stand in their place.

Thanks to our soldiers…all of our soldiers….past, present and future. Because of you, I have the freedom to say…..”Osama, and any one else out there who wants to tear off a piece of America….COME GET SOME!”

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