Monday, May 5, 2008

Legal stuff....

So I consulted with the lawyers about the trailer issue. They were good common sense people. I have a clear direction to go and they consulted for free. How cool was that? You hear all the lawyer jokes and everything, but these people seemed to sense my desperation and it's comforting to know that I have options.

My mother is a different story. I've asked for a copy of the recent contract, and she can't seem to find it. She's so lacksidasical about her legal issues, contracts etc. She never thinks about consequences or the future. She leaves that to me to figure out. How much can you wish for a 60 year old woman to get it together. If she can't do it now, she never will and this is the future I have to look forward to. Instead of God giving me children (except the beloved Boy), he gave me family responsibility.

I asked my husband what I did in a past life to deserve this. Was I Hitler? I must've been a real bitch! Ah well, when I come back, I want to come back as one of my kitties! They are so damned spoiled, there isn't anything we don't give them. They have their treats, run of the house, self cleaning litter box, and our love, of course... If you ask them, we probably don't give them enough..typical cats. Enough of my whining...I don't have cheese to go with it.

I'm doing ok, and with a little luck, I'll be doing better.

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