Friday, August 24, 2007


I’m constantly getting emails about the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s usually about making sure “God” stays in the Pledge. The vast majority of the people who send me the emails are good, god-fearing and patriotic people (some are extremely close friends and family)…but they don’t know squat about the history of the Pledge and my guess is about 70% of the people forwarding the emails don’t realize that “God” was added after the fact, i.e. in the 50’s. I am tired of the rhetoric I receive about making sure that “God’ stays in the Pledge…where it’s always been”. NOT.

Let me make one thing clear, if the founding fathers put “God” in the constitution, made references to “God” in original documents and plaques (i.e. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address)…then I don’t think history should be removed or altered for the benefit of religion only. I just don’t think we should be going around and adding “God” to things that are not necessary. And for me the Pledge is a “Promise”. More on that later…..

So… for those of you willing to be bored by a small history lesson…
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by the Christian Socialist Author, and Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy. The pledge was supposed to be quick and to the point. Bellamy designed it to be stated in 15 seconds. He had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity but decided they were too controversial since many people still opposed equal rights for women and blacks.
It originally read:
"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Here is a forward thinking MIINSTER OF GOD who not only believed in equality for all Americans, but he knew putting “God” in the Pledge would alienate new comers to our Country.

After a proclamation by President Benjamin Harrison, the Pledge was first used in public schools on October 12, 1892 during Columbus Day observances. This date was also significant as it was the dedication day of the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. Bellamy thought that the pledge itself and the involvement of children across the country would be a fine show of national solidarity. These words are key…why? Because our differences in religion will NEVER bring national solidarity, something else is maybe “love of freedom?”.

In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. At this time it read:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The Knights of Columbus in New York City felt that the pledge was incomplete without any reference to God. Who are the Knights of Columbus???? The Order of the Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. So a bunch of Catholics (No offense to my Catholic friends) get to decide on our Pledge? Technically, that would mean the God referenced in the Pledge is a Catholic God. I wonder how many bible-thumping non-Catholics would like that?

And why do the Knights of Columbus push the issue??? Hmmm…maybe to straighten out the “Godless Commies” of the time? Remember, not only was Communism a threat of the times, but the Government was accusing everyone of being a “Commie”. People were scared. People were being accused, put on trial and imprisoned for being communists.
The Knights of Columbus made several attempts to get Congress to pass a resolution to amend the Pledge, but Congress held out (as well they should). In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower pushed Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration.
Today, through the legal immigration process, we require our newest citizens to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Why? Because we’re requiring them to Promise to put this Country first. They are giving their word that they will unite with us and be Americans…One Nation, Indivisible!

People say the Pledge but do they think about the words? Indivisible…i.e. Nothing can divide Americans. However, if you throw God into the Pledge, then religion divides us, and we originally came to America for religious freedom.

I’ve also heard Christians (and yes, I am one) say, “Well, God could mean the same thing as Allah, a higher power or whatever someone believes in.” Gee, that’s an interesting stance, but if it came down to your God being replaced by Buddha in the Pledge, would you say the words and MEAN them? Or would it cheapen your promise to this Country, because…well, you didn’t really mean all of it, just the part where it says “the flag”. You cannot ask someone to make a promise on a “God” they do not believe in. They’re not willing to die for YOUR “God”, they’re willing to die for theirs!

However, you can ask them to be willing to die and sacrifice for their new home, for their belief of Freedom, for their fellow man that treasures the same freedoms they do. Those are the things that unite us as Americans. Love of this Country and what it stands for are the only things that can make the United States of America INDIVISIBLE!

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