Monday, August 4, 2014

The Choice to be Happy!

I spoke with someone today who chooses to be mad, angry, bitter.  Does she have a right to be? Absolutely!  However, she made the comment that she'll never smile again and that "Evil has won the day".  I told her that it's ok to be angry, to wallow in your misery...however, sooner or later she has a choice to make...the choice to be Happy!

We all do.  We make choices everyday.  Imagine my surprise to discover I have the choice to not be miserable, and get out of a bad marriage.  Imagine my surprise to discover that I have the choice to be alone, or the choice to share my life with someone.

Every day, we are confronted with choices. They are difficult, they can break your heart, but once you make can make new choices, ones that will make you happy; ones that can make others happy.  I am making choices right now. I am choosing to stand up for myself. I am choosing to draw lines in the sand. I am choosing to be more discrete. I am choosing to be vocal.

Don't get me wrong.  If I choose to be unhappy, it is because of the choices I made.  Yes, I made the choice to stay in my marriage far too long. I made the choice to overeat and gain weight. Granted, there's a ton of other things that go into those decisions...but the bottom line is I have to take responsibilities for my choices.  And I do.  I've made BAD choices. But I learn every day. And hopefully, God willing, I'm getting smarter.  However I will continue to make mistakes and bad choices...and I will make good ones too.

So I can listen to you for awhile while you're upset and angry...but just know...sooner or later I will choose to cut you off and not listen, because I will choose to be around happy people, and you will need to choose what you want to be.

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