Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good News

So I got the results back today.  Seems I'm in the clear.  Will have to go back in 6 months to be retested again, but I dodged a bullet and I'm happy about it.

I'm just feeling a little spent.  I should be happier, but I think I'm just tired and worn out. It's no ones fault but my  own.  Keeping busy helps me to not think about the things I don't want to.  But there's so much to the yard; in the house; at work; etc.  Someone reminded me that it's not my responsibility to solve all the problems of the world..true, but sometimes, if I know I can help, I feel better doing it than not.  Know what I mean?

I do have to have boundaries and I've been getting better at the personal ones. I'm pretty great at the work ones. I do have problems with people who don't bother to take my advice for the past 9 months and only want to bitch about it.  They're feeling a level of desperation but they're not using their ability to find the tools and help they desperately need. I really feel for them, but there's not much I can do.  What do you do if someone doesn't really want to help themselves?  Or maybe they do.

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