Thursday, November 20, 2014

Let it Rock, Let it Roll...Let it Go!

I'm finding my way back to me. Part of divorcing and re-evaluating my relationships was to find out how to just live and not control everything around me. I let that slip away, and I've been working my way back to that. 

It's weird, but I forgot how to relax and just let life around me roll. I'm used to controlling (or at least the illusion that I had control) the things around me.  As a kid, everything was beyond my control and I so desperately wanted it.  I was tired of the Adults in my life making decisions that I didn't want to be a part of.  I was tired of the abuse, the yelling and religion being shoved down my throat.  I was pissed that the AntiChrist controlled everything around me, and I didn't have the power to change things.  

The sad thing is, I've still been fighting that fight, and I need to stop.  I can only control me, what I do, how I do my job and my life and nothing else.  I can't control the men I date, I can't control my friends, I can't control the environment outside of my home....I have to breathe and just let things be. 

I have to remind myself that I can have inner peace and stop struggling to bring it to's already here and resides inside.  Take a deep breath Diz and let it go.

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