Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's All About Me!

Today was an "all about me" day. I worked out in the morning, worked half the day, took the rest off and...Got my hair colored and got the nails done. It's so nice to be pampered once in awhile. You Ladies out there know what I'm talking about. You get so wrapped up in work, home, kids (if ya got em...Kristie) and sometimes you have to take time out and smell the sterling silver roses.

Today is my 1 year anniversary with the Network Management Bureau at my job. I love my job. I miss my ole e-file buddies, but I'm learning every day and it's still new and exciting. The Network guys are totally cool, and they don't mind explaining stuff that I'm still trying to grasp.

Had a kick-ass workout when I got home. I went the usual half hour and thought "I'm stepping it up to level 3", which I did for 10 minutes. That had me good and sweaty (somehow I think that phrase would only appeal to a man). Ah well, this is a short blog today. I'm off to shower, eat and go to bed...yes, I did sleep pretty well last night. It was hard to get my sorry ass out of bed.

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