Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spasms...NO, Not those kind!

OK, so have you ever suffered a right buttock muscle spasm while on your workout machine? I seem to be getting them frequently. I think I favor my right leg while climbing the stairs to nowhere (StairMaster) and my butt cheek is complaining.

When it hits, I’ve been trying to push more with the left and making a concerted effort to move them both at the same time, but somehow when you zone out while listening to music, you forget. Thank God I know how to stretch this muscle out, or else I’d be in serious trouble. However, I did give the husband cause to raise his eyebrow when I got out the percussion back massager and started going to town on the butt cheek. That was painful.

Could you imagine peeking in our sliding glass window and seeing a woman using one of those things on her tushie and screaming out in pain? I think you’d probably misconstrue that as a different kind of scream and be laughing about what turns me on…. Ah, I digress.

Poor bastard…he’s had to put up with quite a few weird things from me. How about when your leg cramps up in the middle of the night…waking you from a dead sleep and you start screaming like there’s someone in the bedroom trying to kill you. Oh man, does that hurt! You can’t even enjoy scaring the hell out of your spouse when that happens.

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