Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The parental unit is giving me problems again. She keeps insinuating herself into the whole Clear Lake trailer issue. This is something I don't want her help in. When she's involved, it's always a hearsay issue...i.e. he said, she said. I never get a straight story. Plus, after the way she was treated by the owner's mother, I'd just assume take their sorry butts to court and get back rent, pain and suffering for trying to blackmail me.

I really couldn't give a rats ass if I end up having to pull the trailer out for demolition. There are 3 grown trees that will have to come down which will make the trailer lot look like crap. I DON'T CARE! I wish my mother would just let this go and let me handle it. I took the responsibility and put it in my name.

Ah well. I guess it really doesn't matter. She does whatever she wants anyway. Just as long as she does it away from me!

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