Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Just got home from a Women In Technology International event in Folsom. What an awesome group of women!  They come from all corners of the Technology Industry (and a couple that didn't) but they each bring something unique and different to the table.  I had a really great time and felt at home...of course, when don't I keep my mouth shut and play the wallflower...uh like NEVER!

The funny thing is, that although I'm outgoing on the outside and can stir up a conversation...on the inside my guts are usually a twisty knot.  But I really didn't feel that with these ladies, and I even went solo.  The two ladies from Oracle (that I knew) were unable to make it.

Also went to training "Pre-Implementation for Project Management".  The speaker was incredibly good and I took away a lot from the class.  There are things that I can apply toy our current project and that always makes me happy.

There are more things to say, but I'm just not ready to say them.  In the meantime, I keep busy and I'm ok being by myself.  I was busy every day last weekend and I have plans for my week off...Still haven't got R a birthday present though....hmmmm.  

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