Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Out of the Woodwork

Why is it that when you're having issues with your guy, other guys come out of the woodwork?

Not sure where my relationship is going with the Marine. We're at a crossroads and he has to make the next move. And this move needs to be a significant one with many facets.  In the meantime...

It's like men smell blood in the water. They sense there's something going on and the text messages start, phone calls etc.  Right now, there's only really one in the running.  If the Denver Marine doesn't work out, there's the Washington Marine. We're close in age, we've lived with love and loss, we are like minded...a relationship could definitely work.

Yeah, I know I sound callous and calculating, but it's not as if he doesn't have someone in the background also. He does.  We're both in this holding pattern waiting for our boyfriend/girlfriend to show us that we're the one.  But is it enough? I really like D.  He's independent, secure, financially set...we'd have fun together.

The Denver Marine is unpredictable, searching (although he says he wants a stable home life), and while he's capable of making money and is never without a job, he has commitments to keep. But there's something about the things he says, the songs he sends me, the love notes, calls, FaceTime, etc that excite me.  I don't know.

The other one "E" isn't confident enough for me.  He always talks about how he doesn't make enough money, and he doesn't have anything to offer me.  Really?  Why is 'yourself' not good enough? I can make my own money; I have a home; I have a car; I'm doing I really don't need you to do that for me.  What I'm looking for is a man that treasures me, makes me laugh and smile, will hold me, and have fun with me; make me a priority in his life. These things do not cost money...they cost time and effort. You don't have anything to offer me? These things haven't occurred to you? You're NOT the man I'm looking for.

Then there's a couple of men I work with.  The fact that they work with me makes them out of the running...but that doesn't mean that they don't try. The comments, the looks, the calls.  Yeah, I'm lucky that I have guys interested in me, but somehow I'm not satisfied.

And the days go by....

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