Monday, May 13, 2013


I saw this on FaceBook this morning and thought it was funny.....

NICE!!!  Wonder what Saturday is gonna be?

Anyway, it was busy, but I knew it would be.  It'll be crunch time all the way up till I leave on Thursday. Just all these meetings and wrapping up projects. I have 5 meetings tomorrow and meetings are the bane of my existence! It's part of the reason I haven't gotten into "management".  Although they're not necessarily "Dance Monkey Dance" meetings, they are with the executive staff, so Dizzy has to put on her professional face...yes Bitches....I can be professional! I also have to be careful because the more stressed out I am, the more I swear, and I can't be having any slip ups at work.

I came home and hit the ground running! I mowed the entire property and chopped down some weeds.  It needed to be done because it'll be tall when I get back. It looks good though, and I got compliments from my neighbors. I didn't get into the house until almost dark. Headed to the shower, made some soup and packed the kitchen tub for the trip. It's still missing some stuff, but all the alcohol is in it...YeeeeeHawwww!!!  Packed Patron, Fireball, Todd Taylor, Elevation 10, etc.  Yes, I packed wine because the relatives that I'm visiting drink wine, so I know they'll (she'll) appreciate it.

So now just a quick blog and then I head to bed. I'm already late for a weekday and 3:15 comes too early.  Got some jokes from my work buddies today.  They're concerned that I'm driving into the sunset by myself and think I may end up missing.  I started cracking up, because I am bringing protection (although they don't need to know that). They're worried about who I may meet up with and stuff.  I told them that I have a BFF that will get a daily text from me, and if she doesn't hear from me, she'll take care of business. I also told them they should be more concerned about the people I meet up with and that they're the ones that could end up "missing".  They laughed over that one.

Although, speaking of protection, I need to purchase condoms.  What kind of condoms does a single girl purchase?  Is one better than another? Can I get "Glow in the Dark" ones? Do they come in assorted sizes, colors, shapes?  It's been awhile and well, I just don't know.  Can I go to Costco and get a huge box of assorted, so I don't have to sweat it?  "Yeah, I'm looking for a big, huge box of assorted you carry those?"  "Hey Bitch, I'm not a hooker!...I just want to make sure my guy has there anything wrong with that???"  God...I need to head to bed, I'm tired and not making much sense.

G'nite Peeps!


Kristie said...

Haha. Yep big assorted boxes are the best. I mean we all need choices. 2 weeks of vacation.... Big box should last and you may have some left over hahahahaha. Love you.

Kristie said...

I finally found my password so I can comment. Tried last week. So now I gotta catch up on commenting. Woot