Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Feinstein's War On Women

Wow!!!  I was really taken aback by Dianne Feinstein's comment regarding women being incapable of defending themselves with "death machines".  Her comment strikes to my very core on a number of levels, but to know how deeply this really affects me, I have to tell you a story.

In my Junior year of High School, my mother and the evil AntiChrist stepfather separated and divorced.  On the day he packed up his stuff and left the house, his parting words in private to me were "Marry an older man, because you'll never be able to take care of yourself". This was just one of the many elements that fed my "man-hater" mentality. And to be honest, to this very day, I have a difficult time being fair to men. 

Now let me be clear, I'm not necessarily a feminist. While I believe that women deserve every opportunity to try, I don't believe that women can do everything a man can do. Just as I believe that men can not do everything a woman can do. Most women are not in the category of fitness and mental fortitude to take on combat roles in the elite few are, and deserve the opportunity to try. If they can't do the job, they should move out of the way.  If they can, then give them the job!

Feinstein's comment leads me to believe that she thinks women are:
  1. Incapable of pulling the trigger
  2. Only meant to produce children
  3. Need men to defend them
The interesting thing about this two-faced lying bitch is that not only does she have men defending her with guns, but she herself carries one.  So, only she is capable of using a death machine called "guns" and the rest of us women are ignorant and helpless.

There have been women throughout history that have led armies and defended their countries.  Need a history lesson Feinstein?  Visit for a taste of ancient warrior women who kicked ass and took names.  These women didn't take a back seat and wait for their men to defend them. Those who lost their men, took over the reins of their respective kingdoms and fought to defend their countries and the honor of their lost men. 

Women were designed to produce life.  Ok, I agree with that to a certain extent, but then again, so were men.  I mean, it takes a man's sperm to produce life, doesn't it? So it takes both sexes to produce.  What about women that can't carry life due to whatever circumstances? What about me? Although I could carry life, my partner couldn't produce life, so does that make me worthless? Does this mean that not only am I not capable of using a death machine...I'm not capable of producing life, so basically I'm worthless as a human being? Please clarify for me Feinstein...

Since I'm not capable of defending myself...Even though this woman has taken a combat course, qualified to carry a concealed weapon, scored the highest score in her class of 4 women and 16 men on the written law portion and the "naming the parts of a gun" test, and scored 4th highest in the class in target accuracy...I need a man to pull the trigger for me, because those bad "death machines" are beyond my abilities? sound just like my fucking AntiChrist stepfather!  No one will EVER tell me what I am capable of..not you, not him, not anyone! These past 3 years of my life have taught me that I'm capable of so much more than I ever dreamed! That only I can limit myself on my abilities and my accomplishments.  And that assholes like you only serve to inspire and stoke the fire that burns inside of me to do more, be more, expect more than you can possibly provide me. 

Peeps...please don't get me wrong.  There's a difference of between being capable of doing things and liking someone else to do them for you. I am capable of pulling the trigger, but would love to have the right man beside me to pull the trigger for me, or with me. I am capable of jackhammering cement, but would love to have the right man jackhammering it for me, or with me.  But, if I don't have that special person in my life, then I am MORE than capable of doing it myself! I don't think that makes me a makes me a survivalist! 

Not only that, I am more than capable of defending my niece and anyone else I love from assholes that would harm them.  I trained with my Sig .40 to do whatever is necessary to preserve my life and those that I love if anyone would try and harm them. I do not need Feinstein creating a war on women telling us that we're not capable of defending those that we love, or this country that we love!  

I live in California...the strictest gun-law state in the union.  I don't have a problem with those laws and have abided by those laws to obtain my license to carry. I am not against reasonable gun laws to ensure that honest, law-abiding, mentally secure citizens are the ones carrying those weapons. But Feinstein and many others are using this agenda to outlaw my gun.  They say that "Semi-Autos" are assault weapons and have no place in the home to make it sound like those are all bad guns.  In reality, they're targeting home defense and counting on citizens not knowing the difference. Let me clarify right now.... Semi Autos are guns which fire the round in the chamber, extract it, eject it, and load a new round in the chamber each time the trigger is pulled.  

Open your eyes and realize that your politicians are misleading you and don't want you to realize that California, while being strict on gun laws, still cannot stop criminals from using guns! They just want to stop law abiding citizens from defending themselves. They don't want you to realize that they're mixing apples with oranges and that they don't want to focus on mental health, or how to enforce the laws they already have. But I can promise'll be thinking about it when an intruder breaks down your door, and threatens your children.  

Feinstein...if an intruder breaks down my door and threatens my angelic, beautiful, intelligent, awesome niece, this woman will have the capability to put that intruder in her sights, will have no problem pulling back that trigger, and will make damned sure that she takes away the life that would dare to threaten her niece.  The "death machine" in this woman's capable, life producing hands will do what it is designed to do...and can only do by a capable hand.  Because, I can ask the gun to shoot itself, but we all know that it takes a person's hand to actually pull the trigger.


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