Ya know, there really isn't a lot that I can't do. I didn't really know that about myself until the past 4 years or so. Circumstances will force you into the "Fight or Flight" mode. I fight. Every once in a while, I may curl into the fetal position waiting for my nerve to come back, but it always does, and I uncurl myself, put up my fists and start swinging. While there isn't really a lot that I can't do....there are some things that I just don't do well. I am not a painter! I just don't have the knack for it. It should be relatively simple, i.e. dip the brush in the paint, and using a sweeping motion, apply paint to surface. Yeah, right. My paint job looks like I was having some sort of seizures or spastic hand motions while trying apply my paint. After about 3 coats though, it doesn't look too bad.
Then I set about removing the blue tape on my door thresholds. It's been there for over a year. UGH! What a pain in the ass! I should've removed them a long time ago, but I figured that since the house wasn't quite done, that I'd just leave it. Who knew that if you leave it on that long, it would take a herculean effort to remove it. Lesson learned for the next project!
I'm still trying to find the right people to put in my flooring in the bedroom and to clean up the yard. That is another huge task. I need to remove the tire from the Snapper sit mower and take it in to be patched. The list is endless and daunting, so I'm just trying to think of one step at a time. Or make that three since I'm a multi-tasker.
This is my dinner tonight.... I'm having a little brie with truffles on homemade Pugliese toast points and some red wine. Then I'm going to fill up my monster tub and sink my body into the hot water and unwind!
I have to say, that tub is a God Send! Have I already written about the tub? My BFF and I shopped all over town looking for a corner tub for the bathroom. Every tub we saw was between $4k and $8k. The key for me, is that the tub had to be deep. Being a former fat girl, nothing is worse than getting into a tub and not having your body be submerged. Even though I knew that I wouldn't have that problem now, I still have a hangup about it. We just didn't have any luck.
I then went through my plumbers book (he said I could have the tub at the price he get's it) and picked out a simple corner tub. 6 jets...nothing else. Price? $5k...no effing way I was going to spend that. So I told him I'd find one on the web. I did at DecorPlanet.com. For $2,300 (tax and shipping included) I got the deepest tub I could find, with 22 jets, a waterfall, mood lighting, a shower head and an AM/FM stereo! It frakking ROCKS! It could easily fit three people...not that I'm into a menage or anything....
Ok Peeps. I'm off to fill up the tub. Hope your weekend was as good as mine. Until tomorrow.
1 comment:
I so want a bigger tub. I have a deep tub but only 6 jets no cool music hook ups and I very rarely use the tub for me. I think the kids use it a couple times a week. Lucky kiddos
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