Tuesday, July 30, 2013


So today I had an issue with my laptop.  The battery gave out after only being used for a half hour…right during a presentation with Management.  When I retrieved the power cord from my laptop bag…it didn’t even belong to the laptop.  Thank God for handouts or it would’ve been a total disaster.  I couldn’t figure out what went wrong since I used the same laptop for a presentation a couple of weeks ago, and it was on battery for over 2 hours. 

When I plugged the darned thing into the station, it completely died!  So I put in a call to the help desk and this person is completely inept. They ask me what model of laptop I have and when I tell them, they say that it’s old and why don’t I have a newer model.  REALLY??? Gee Moron, I thought it was your job to replace old equipment…you tell me why it hasn’t been replaced!!!  Totally torqued me! 

So I go to someone I trust and ask them to handle the situation…which they do.  But this is the same person that wants me to “swing” with him and his wife.  Yeah…NO! I post something on FB about my troubles and the Work Marine offers a cable.  I end up paying him a visit and thanking him for the offer, but basically the laptop needs replacing.  After I get back to my desk, I get this series of texts from him….

Ok, let’s break this down Dizzy Style:  Why did he take that comment personal? It’s not his job to rescue me, he’s not my boyfriend, or even a co-worker…he’s a vendor and an acquaintance that I’m getting to know. He shouldn’t be apologizing that he couldn’t come to my rescue and I don’t think what I said was a bad thing.  My Mother was always dependent upon some man to rescue her, and what did it get her?  A lifetime of dependence and no self esteem or purpose.  She’s still dependent upon me to save her from her crazy choices and bad decisions.  Don’t get me wrong Peeps.  Just because I don’t necessarily need a man to rescue me, doesn’t mean that I don’t want a man in my life.  But it would have to be a partnership…not one where he’s always rescuing me or me always rescuing him. And definitely not someone I work with or that’s married!!!  Is that so bad? Is that impossible to find? Did I slam his “manhood” by my comment?  For once, I’d like a guy to appreciate that I am independent and he doesn’t have the pressure of making sure I’m “taken care of”. 

After this little number, the guy that’s working on my laptop comes back with this exchange….

Ok…There’s no way in hell that I’d ever be on top of this guy doing a tarzan yell…He’s married, I work with him and he doesn’t do it for me.  Now I do have a work husband…It’s a guy I’ve known since the day I started on my job.  He’s a mentor and a great friend, but he knows that I have boundaries that I don’t cross at work.  We’ve discussed it and we’re clear.  When it comes to stuff on the job, we rely on each other’s opinion and good advice.  We’ve helped each other outside the workplace (he helped me move Colin Farrell to the house and helped with some of the tear down).  That’s it!  No more!  But this other person is taking it a bit too far and you’d think with my “No Comment” in all caps, that he’d get the picture. 

What the hell is up with people these days?  I’m getting a bit frustrated with the expectations of 3 ways, rescuing, comments about being on top, etc.  It’s obvious that I’m gonna have to start smacking some people upside the head with a “Respect” stick.  Do I have “EASY” stamped across my ass? Is my name and number written on public bathroom walls? WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!!!

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