Monday, July 8, 2013

The Year of the "J's"!

So I go into work today…and again, I’m the only one in my aisle.  My entire unit pretty much bailed on me. Don’t get me wrong; on days like these, I can get a lot done. However, had I known no one would be there; I could’ve worked from home.

I feel exhausted by the drama of 24 hours of “J” yesterday.  Men are not supposed to bring drama, they’re supposed to be low maintenance. Why is it I keep hanging with high-maintenance guys?  Why am I the “man”? I tell ya Peeps, when I find a low-maintenance guy, it is so gonna be ON!

So I go into the cafeteria to build a salad. I'm at the salad bar putting garbanzos on my salad and there's this guy standing next to me...Dark hair, intense blue eyes, 6' 4", nice smile.  He makes a comment on my salad choices and I laugh. So we're building together and he notes the order that I put the ingredients in the bowl.  I explain that there's a method to the madness...I can fit more into the small bowl if I layer it just right. He's impressed with my mad salad skillz. I finish building and go in search of the caesar dressing (bad, but it's one of the tastier dressings available). He goes for water.  I get in line to pay for my food and he's in the same kiosk line. I pay and he pays and says "It was a pleasure to meet you" and I reply the same, told him my name is "D" and stuck out my hand. He shook it and says "My name is.....wait for it...."J". ANOTHER FRAKKING "J"!!!!

Anyway, I said "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around" and he said that he'd be onsite for the next 2 years as he works as a vendor on the BIG 250 million dollar project at work. I leave and go about my business.  Around 2 p.m. I get an email from him and he thanks me for taking the time to talk to him, etc. I write back and say that it was fun, blah blah blah.  He then writes back and gives me a little background about himself. Here it comes.... He's a Marine, retired. Really? REALLY???? You have GOT to be kidding me! 

So I know he's interested and all, but there's a problem. Yes, my rules about not seeing someone I work with.  Now technically, he doesn't work for my employer, he's a contractor. Still, since he'll be at the facility for the next two years, it wouldn't be good to play with someone I work with and if there are any issues, it all blows up at work.  Not Professional!  But he's really cute, and nice. UGH!!!  Well, it's flattering to have someone interested in me, and we'll just let it go at that. Yes folks, I'm gonna be a virtual jogger to benefit the Navy SEAL foundation.  I'd love to go to San Diego and actually do the run, but that isn't going to happen this year. I'll still get a t-shirt though, and I can come up with a team name. Gotta support our armed forces!!!

Until tomorrow my Peeps!  I've got to spend the rest of the evening building a bonfire, slathering myself in duck fat and dancing naked under the stars to ward off the "J" curse I seem to be stuck with.  Wish me luck that I don't get too close to the flames and roast myself!  

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Girl you need to break the rules. I meant to tell you this sooner. Do not let opportunities slip by. Life is short. Do things you might normally not. But enjoy life. Like you need more drama or something but don't close the door because he's a contractor. I mean. How else would you have met such and interesting guy. right? Hell ya in right. Don't blink