Sunday, August 18, 2013

Communicating...Man Style!

There is no doubt that men have a different way of communicating than women do. I'm usually "Johnny-On-The-Spot" when it comes to communicating with men. However, I had to re-learn the lesson last week.  I blame this on not being in a relationship with a "Man's Man" in quite a while. Even my ex-boyfriend wasn't a "Man's Man" type, although he'd beg to differ and would do the proprietary man stuff that they do around their women.

Yes, Dizzy made the classic woman mistake of not just flat out telling her man what she wanted. She thought that he already knew by the texting, and the innuendos, the back and forth... In an age where we do a lot of our communicating via text and just doesn't cut it. We miss the inflection in our voices and our message gets skewed.  That is exactly what happened and what I wanted to avoid.

We had done some texting back and forth and I made a suggestion that he call me that evening. He suggested Skype and I was down with that.  I didn't know that he hadn't used Skype yet (since he's relocated), that his WiFi and Comcast didn't work, and that he'd have to tackle this stuff himself (and he's not the techno geek that I am). So after all the back and forth...I get a text saying he's going to bed...WHAT???  What do you mean you're going to bed???  I wanna see your face, I thought we were Skyping??? What's up with this?  I got snippy and we ended the evening on an unpleasant note.

Ladies...what I should've done is just flat out tell him that I really didn't want to go to sleep that night without hearing the sound of his voice. I assumed that he understood that (especially after the Skype suggestion) but my assumption was dead-assed wrong. And that is where I really fucked up.  Yeah, he should've understood it also, but I have the feeling that the women he's been dealing with lately are difficult to understand anyway. They are demanding, intrusive and verbally abusive, so trying to understand what I'm trying to say is probably difficult for him.

Instead of texting "OMG, Fine...whatever"...I should've said "Baby, can I go to sleep to the sound of your voice?" That would've gone over so much better. Lesson learned.

So hinting around to your Man.  You want something...flat out tell him...."Baby, call me!"   "Baby, I really would like to spend time with you"  "Baby, go down on me"...well, you know what I mean. Just tell him and don't assume he knows what you want!

G'nite Peeps.

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