Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aging Carpet and Coasters...

Punctuation is everything...isn't it?

Well it seems God has already answered my prayer regarding a better month in the form of…The Starbucks Barista!  She’s a down girl and we always chit-chat about our love lives (or lack thereof) and stuff.  This morning I order my coffee and she’s knows it’s me.  When I get to the drive up window, she’s applied her employee discount to my order, so what would’ve been a $5.50 coffee (I ordered an extra shot) was now $3.80….SWEET!!!  She also works at the Macy’s Benefit counter in the evenings so I promised to stop by so we could catch up.  She’s really sweet and fun.  Not sure how I lucked out to make friends with this girl, but there’s around an 18 to 20 year age difference.

Speaking of age differences, I seem to be able to make friends with people of all ages…how lucky is that?  The retired/soon-to-be retired Trashies are at least 10 years older than I am (if not more)…we have no issues getting along. I hang with some ladies in their 30’s and we have no age gap issues.  I also have some in their 20’s…still no problem.  Why is that?  I was discussing dance moves with one of them and saying that I wouldn’t mind attending a hip-hop exercise session because that would help me refresh my dance moves cuz…”Hell No…Dizzy isn’t gonna be some geezer chick with extremely dusty moves on the dance floor”.  She started laughing and said “That could never be you!”  Wanna bet?  Gotta stay frosty Peeps.  I’m really blessed that I have the ability to cross age barriers (or maybe I’m delusional, it’s only in my mind…and they just tolerate me) and I like that it gives me a better perspective on things.  

Oddly enough, anyone meeting me always thinks I’m younger than I am and they’re usually about 10 years off. Call it genetics, or a predominantly drug-free lifestyle..actually both.  People always think my sister, whose 7 ½ years younger than I am, is the older sister. Even at my brother’s wedding, I kept meeting people who thought I was the younger sister…too funny.  I guess karma is a bitch.  My Sister is the narcissistic one who dreads growing older (She takes after my Mother)…I embrace my age and I’m more comfortable in my skin now, than I ever have been.  Ah well. I accept that I can’t stop aging and I just work on the things that I can…exercise, decent eating habits, you know what I mean…  No, I’m not giving up Tequila and Fireball…those are life’s little equalizers for me.

The quote for the carpet came back at $1,800 for 348 square feet (38.6 yards),including pad and installation.  That seems a little high to me, so I got another carpet company coming by tomorrow for a quote. I think I’ll see what they have to offer as far as an outdoor carpet for the patio too.  Maybe I can work out a deal.  Ah well.  This is the one thing I really despise about home renovation.  The price comparison and the fact that you have to “trust” the people coming into your environment, “trust” that they’ll provide you a service at a good cost and not take advantage of you.  It requires homework and comparison, phone calls, time, energy….I freaking hate it!!!  Some people get off on the art of the deal…I only get off on it when I’m bargaining in Mexico at one of the outdoor stands, other than that…it’ a pain in my arse.

I was not born with the girlie “shopping” gene people.  It’s only the past 4 years where I’ve been forced to actually put in time shopping. The only exception to the shopping rule is the MotherShip!  Yeah, you know what I’m talking about…The Apple StoreThat store was made for me! Even before there was an Apple Store, I always hung out at the electronic store in the Apple Section…I could spend hours there, at home, perusing the software, the latest MAC peripherals, messing around on the computers…heavy sigh…  The only reason I don’t hang out there now is that I don’t want to spend any money that’s designated for the house….and I would if I could.

Until tomorrow Peeps…No promises that I’m blogging until Sunday.  The Beanster is coming over and we’re headed to 6 Flags on Saturday!  That’s right Haters….we’re talking Rollercoaster’s!  I finally have a partner that has the same love of the loop-d-loops, twists, turns and G-forces that I do!  It is so ON!  

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