Thursday, August 15, 2013

Privacy Infringement...

I know those of you who live in the State of California got the cell phone signal last week for the child abduction alert.  Most of you have never heard your cell phone make the frakking noise it did...I know mine never has.  It was loud, intrusive and after 10 p.m....when I'm sleeping!

I ended up shutting off my alert.  Why?  Because I'm alerted to these things in other ways, and I don't need my cell phone making those kinds of mind-jarring noises when I least expect it.  The Amber Alerts regarding this abduction were everywhere!!!

I ended up comparing notes with my co-worker, and on her Samsung it not only has that alert, but also a Presidential alert that she can't shut off!!! REALLY??? This kind of thing bothers me on so many levels...I'm stumped at where to begin.

#1.  Who the hell gave the phone company and Apple Corp the right to update my phone with an alert system that I didn't choose?  Ya know that saying "There's an App for that???"  Well, if I wanted a fucking Amber Alert App...I would've chose it. Thank God that Apple didn't put that frakking Presidential Alert on my phone...It would've driven me to jailbreak the effing thing and start over!!!

#2.  Not only did you update my phone with the chose "ON" for me.  So I had no idea that the phone would make the noise it did and scared the living shit out of me.  Ya know...a nice little message that you put the thing on my phone, and I can choose to turn it on..would've been nice.  But had to decide what was best for me and take away my freedom of choice.

#3.  Legislation was put into place, without the people deciding, that would infringe upon our freedom and take our choice away...and it keeps happening more and more.  No one wants to say anything and most liberal idiots say that it's to keep us safe.  Well, Benjamin Franklin said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety."  But trying to explain this quote to someone that wants to pad the world for safety is a futile effort and one I'm not willing to take on right now.  You either get it...or you don't.  Our Nation is turning into a mass majority that doesn't get it..and so our freedoms are eroding right before our eyes.

Anyway Peeps...I get so frustrated over the way this country is turning out.  People wanting things for free and not willing to work for it; People giving away their freedom willynilly; People not expecting answers from their Government when there are obvious crimes being committed...I worry what's going to be left for my boy or my niece.  Food for thought.

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