Friday, November 29, 2013

The Arrival of Beanster

So my sister was supposed to drop off my niece early in the morning. I’m up, showered, hair done (cuz I figured it wouldn’t get done for at least a couple of days)…I am ready for the Beanster.  When she says early…I’m figuring she’ll be at my house between  7 and 8 a.m.  11, 12, 1 p.m.  still no sister.  I get a call from my mother saying she’s still in her jammies, but she’s getting dressed to bring my niece over.  Seems she’s had my niece since Tuesday. Hmmm….. When was my sister going to call and tell me that my mother would be dropping her off? As usual…the world revolves around her.

I tell my mom not to bother. I’ll come get her. So I go over and we had a nice visit. Beanster gets in the Beast and away we go!  First we grocery shop and I get a fresh 24 lb turkey for half off (That’ll feed Diz for awhile).  While we’re shopping, my niece asks me about my boyfriend. I tell her he’s fine. She asks if we’re going to get married again. I said that we’re dating and seeing how that works. She asks why he lives so far away.  I tell her that he’s taking care of business and working. She asks if he’ll ever live in California and I said…”Maybe.  How would you feel if he came to live here?” She replies that she’d be ok with it….pauses…then asks where he’s going to live.  I replied “what if he lived with me?”.   She looks at me and says “That ain’t happening! I’m not sharing!” I start giggling and I replied “You shared me with Uncle…why is J different?” She says that he just is and that I would spend all my time with him and not her. I asked her “Did I spend all my time with Uncle and not you?” She said “no”.  So I asked why J would be different.  She said “I don’t know”.

So I explained to her that there are some women who dump their families and friends just because they have a boyfriend…expecting their family and friends to wait around for their time.  Other women, know the value of their families and friends and don’t dump them…but make sure to spend quality time no matter what.  And if their boyfriends have a problem with that, they get rid of the boyfriends because the boyfriend isn’t smart enough to know how valuable family and friends are.  I assured her that I’m one of the smart women, who loves and cherishes the time I spend with my Beanie, and that will never change.  No man will come between us.  “Do you know what I mean?” She looked at me and said “Yes, then I’m ok with that”. Problem averted…for now.

Then we head home. We have leftovers for dinner and I pop some popcorn (Beanie loves my popcorn with the truffle salt) and we rent a movie.  All in all…a good day.

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