Thursday, April 18, 2013

Politics and Tahoe Don't Mix!

My buddy S at work and I were in the middle of a discussion regarding Piers Morgan’s freaking comment about the failed Gun Registration legislation. See Tweet below…. I can’t stand foreigners who think they have the right to comment about our politics and Constitution. Especially when they’re here to make American money (and tons of it). They are spitting in the face of the American citizens that have made them rich! My freedom of speech was paid for by American patriots! Piers has his own problems in his own Country that he should be trying to solve..Not ours! How’s the Gun Ban working in your own Country Piers? Go home and fix it!

So my co-worker “J” got into an extremely passionate discussion with me regarding the failed Gun Registration legislation. He was upset that it failed and felt private interests and corporations had something to do with it. He even said that he feels that we should give up freedoms to protect ourselves!!! NO HE DIDN’T!!! Yup! No, he doesn't read my blog...and that's ok. He said that most American's want gun registration...not sure what surveys he's been reading, but he's not doing his research. He had no argument for the fact that California has one of the strictest gun regulations in the Union and there has been no change in the amount of crime. He totally ignored my comment that maybe we should enforce the laws we have to actually have some kind of impact.

It got so heated that I realized that I needed to deflect the situation, so I told him that I admired his passion. That took him down a notch. He said "Really?" and I said that yes, most Americans are apathetic and he has passion and that I'd like to see more Americans be as passionate about where this Country is headed. He kept saying that he was right...and I would reply that yes he his own mind. Ah well.

I'm up at the Tahoe house and I just love it here. It's so cool to wake up to the smell of pine again and to visit the haunts. I think we may even end up at Emerald Bay to watch the sun rise. Tomorrow though, we'll be going out to breakfast and shopping. I'm looking forward to walking up and down the hills around here. My butt will appreciate it, as will my thighs! Love me some mountain torture.

I'll be seeing CC in about 4 weeks (see January posts) and we've been kinda playing a game of song titles. Trying to outdo each other in who can share the best songs. I will say that I've had to step up my game as far as a contest of wits. But I feel like I'm more myself then I was when we met.

Half of me is hoping that when I do see him that I don't feel the same "sucker punch" that I felt the first time. The other half wants to feel that magic again, but it's scary. It makes me feel exposed and ill equipped. However, I'm back in the real world and I know that fairytales don't happen, there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and I have to be realistic about the whole thing. And most importantly...I have to not over-think it. It is what it is.

As my work-husband says... "You do you"...and I intend to.

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